Fal Fishery Cooperative CIC - BLOG

http://www.savingester.co.uk/ June 23 2020

While the Fal Fishery Cooperative CIC is all about the Fal Fishery, you can now keep an eye on progress of out first project about the Cornish Native Oysters Hatchery at www.savingester.co.uk

Happy ESTER, Happy Oyster, Happy Easter! April 08 2020

Happy ESTER, Happy Oyster, Happy Easter!

Firstly, I want to send my best wishes in these unprecedented times and hope of the safety and wellbeing for you, your family and colleagues in the future weeks and months.

Crowdfunder Saving ESTER the OYSTER - Running Total Widget April 02 2020

Just Giving Crowdfunding Raises £383 April 02 2020

Thank you to my friends & family that donated through our Just Giving page, just the start need to secure the solicitors fee's for the King Harry Aquaculture Research Site and buy at bit of time at the harbour while we set up: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/cornishnativeoysterrestoration

https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/savingestertheoyster April 02 2020